Google Stadia- Killed all the gaming industry [Futuristic]

Is Google Stadia, just a cloud gaming platform or is this a new Operating System Concept for whole gaming industry like a Andriod OS for Phones?
I guess we will find out as our kids gets older.

Being a hardcore gamer myself, i am so thrilled with the news today about Stadia from Google. Imaging being able to play 4K 60FPS Instantly without download, updates, patches. Imaging being able to play FAR CRY 4, GTA 5 without having to buy new GAMING PC and Hardware, directly through the cloud. All we need to do is sign up for Stadia (Netflix of Gaming, it may have some monthly subscription and full access to all games) then head to google chrome choose a game and start playing without having to install the game itself, its all driven by cloud technology.

Launching 2019 in US, Canada, UK and Europe to start with.
With the 5G being launched soon in the market this is a right time for both Cloud gaming + 5G to sync.

Cloud Gaming like Stadia needs a high internet bandwidth at least 100MB Download and low latency, this is just a guess and we will see about that in the future.

With this news, it just killed the whole gaming industry like Sony PS, Nintendo, Atari, Microsoft. This must be a sad news for them but a happy one for us.

We will never ever have to upgrade our hardware or buy a new PC in future to accommodate certain games, as its all covered by stadia cloud.

As Google says: “The future of gaming is not a box. It’s a place. One place for all the ways we play. Welcome to Stadia, an all-new gaming platform from Google for playing AAA video games across all the screens in your life. Gather around.”

Polygon Shapes for US States and Canada Provinces in CSV [Solved]

Howdy, After my struggle with Google Maps API V3 for Polygon Shapes. I have manually optimized each coordinates and put it into a CSV file for you guys to download and use it.

Download Polygon Shapes for US States : Click here [US States]

Download Polygon Shapes for Canada Provinces: Click here [Canada-Provinces]

Show Markers within the Circle Radius in Google Maps API V3 [Solved]

With new Google Maps API V3, lot of things has changed and added. Functions like contains, geometry, spherical, etc are just handful to take your maps to next level.

I’m Going to show you how you can easily achieve to show or hide markers that are within the circle radius.

A circle always needs a radius and a starting point lat, lng.
Calculating the marker distance from that point and matching withing the radius does the trick, let me show you how here.

In this tutorial i am going to create a function where when the map loads it will show all the Main Markers, upon click on one of the marker it will show the radius and show all other associated markers that falls within that radius region.

var  markerBranch = [];
for (var j = 0; j < MKABranches[coordinates].statebranch.length; j++) {

   markerBranch[j].addListener('click', function(event) {
// var clickedCoordinates = "{lat: " + + ", " + "lng: " + this.lng + "}";
this.highlighted = !this.highlighted;

var clickedCoordinates = {
  "clickedLocation" : [
  {lat:, lng: this.lng}

var clickPosition =;
if (this.highlighted){
  clickCircle( e = clickedCoordinates); // Passing variable to function with coordinates
  //console.log (circleMarkers);
  } else{
  DeleteCirMarker( e = );

This above snippet of code will make all your into an array, so that when you click on it, you could do this.highlighted = !this.highlighted;to toggle one click and off state and detect which marker you clicked.

Also i am storing clicked location’s Co-ordinates into an array so that i can use it for Circle’s Main marking point.

# Now once you have sorted making Markers into an Array (Assuming you have multiple Markers to click with its own radius of circle).

# Now you also have the clicked location into a variable called clickedCoordinates.

After above you just need to calculate the distance between all the markers in array and the center point of where you clicked which was stored in variable above.

Calculate if that marker falls inside Circle’s Radius like below:
for (var n = 0; n < MKABranches[coordinatesNew].potentialClients.length; n++) {

potentialCLK[e.clickedLocation[0].lat] = new google.maps.Marker({
position : {
lat : MKABranches[coordinatesNew].potentialClients[n].lat,
lng : MKABranches[coordinatesNew].potentialClients[n].lng
map : map,
icon: potentialclientsicon,
shape : shape,
latvalue : e.clickedLocation[0].lat

var distancePotential = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween (potentialCLK[e.clickedLocation[0].lat].getPosition(), centerLatLng);

if(distancePotential > globalRadius) {
} else {

Cleaner look of calculating distance between the Point that you clicked and if the markers those were in array falls inside this circle radius:
if(distancePotential > globalRadius) {
} else {

Freelance web developer in San Francisco

As you can see above, the blue marker in the middle of the circle radius was clicked and upon clicked we saved its clicked Co-ordinates into a variable and we used that Co-ordinate vs the radius vs the Markers to calculate if it falls within the Circle Radius show Markers that falls within the radius, if not set them to null using setMap(null)

Hope this helps!